Release notes
ReluxCAD for Revit

    ReluxCAD for Revit 2025.0.3.0


    Import/Export custom combi luminaires as luminaire group
    Option added to merge collinear walls
    Export/Calculation performance enhanced for custom luminaires driven by instance Parameters
    Export/Calculation precision of custom luminaires improved
    Error handling and user notification improved when Project export fails


    Change luminaire type in luminaire browser of Revit 2025
    Transfering usage profiel between rooms and spaces
    Importing IES/Ldt files
    Manuel changes of measuring area parameters
    Exporting rooms with translated linked models
    Calculating cuttouts in measuring areas
    Handle measuring areas not completely planar
    Collecting room items in views with infinite upper and/or lower Limit
    Shorten overlong filenames to avoid max_path error
    Calculation settings Dialog, options for exterior Scenes sometimes not enabled
    Handle attemp to hide calculaio results on schedule view

    ReluxCAD for Revit 2025.0.1.0


    Exporting system families like pipes, ducts and conduits
    Custom image parameter for luminaire browser can be defined
    Report not exported Rooms
    Room validation dialog in RoomManager

    Exporting Windows, doors and columns of spaces
    Roommanager not opening due to invalid mapped guid

    ReluxCAD for Revit 2024.2.7.0


      Calculation settings (include all revit categories, use unbounded height)

      Performance improvement
      Show results of all rooms in view independant of the assigned level
      Improved batch calculation (no warning interruption)

          ReluxCAD for Revit 2024.2.6.0



          Calculation/Export  not possible under certain circumstances
          Automatic update sometimes freezes Revit (only affects later updates)
          Codemeter Runtime v8.20 Setup

            ReluxCAD for Revit 2024.2.5.0



            Display notification if false colors not visible due to view settings
            Accuired license can be released in license settings
            All objects/categories can be exported as 3D object on export


            License will only be accuired on AddIn usage
            Codemeter Runtime v8.20


            Importing luminaires from ReluxDesktop of projects containing emergency signs
            Calling weblinks in Revit 2025
            Configure emergency luminaires with german template
            Exporting enclosures on upper floors
            Setting referenceplane height and distance on export/calculation
            Reference plane height can be changed in Easylux dialog
            AddIn usage on terminal server

              ReluxCAD for Revit 2024.2.0.0



              Revit 2025
              Calculate measuring areas containing openings
              Create openings in measuring areas
              Void cuttouts to Luminaires
              Maintenance Factor can be changed in the RoomManager/Settings
              Advanced Settings to improve export/calculation performance


              Exporting elements from linked models
              Calculate workplanebased luminaires
              Exporting furnitures

              ReluxCAD for Revit 2024.1.8.0



                Automatic emergency luminaire placement
                3D-Object download from ReluxNet
                Emergency signs
                Emergency sign visibility
                Emergency calculation settings


                Handle locked projects on calculation/export
                Exporting furniture from linked models
                False colors overlapping from different levels
                Exporting casework

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2024.1.4.0



                Emergency live results

                Performance improvements for large projects
                Handle duplicated family types

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2024.1.2.0



                Option to export casework and planting


                changed colors of boundary lines and measuring surface to increase identifiability
                Show boundary lines on emergency sheet


                Cuttouts in emergency measuring areas
                Importing measuring results in exterior scenes
                Calculation of multiple rooms at once
                Create shared parameter file only if needed
                Show room tag after emergency calculation .

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2024.1.0.0



                Emergency lighting planning tools
                Anti panic areas, high risk areas, escape routes
                Emergency lighting calculation
                Emergency room manager
                Emergency result views/schedules/sheets
                Enabled emergency operation for luminaires
                Emergency signs
                Boundary line visualization
                Emergency lighting standards CEN EN 1838:2013 / UNI EN 1838:2013 .

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2023.1.7.0



                Codemeter Security Update


                Export/Import enhancements
                Minor bug fixes

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2023.1.5.0


                Support for Revit 2024


                Removed support for Revit 2016 up to 2020


                Export exterior scenes
                Calculate exterior scenes
                Export complex interior scenes
                Create measuring areas when project name is not set
                Using EasyLux with linked lumianires
                Create measuring areas on generic faces .

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2023.1.0.0



                Roommanager can be loaded by selection/floor/building


                ExportView enhanced
                EasyLux can be starte in active 3D View


                Conflicts with Autodesk Collaboration solved
                Exlude ldc geometry from export
                Ceiling grid appearance in EasyLux
                Room rotation on controlled placement in Roommanager
                Room tag sometimes not visible
                Export/Import luminaires
                Find vertical host on importing luminaires
                Placement of not hosted luminaires with EasyLux
                Export combination luminaires
                Adde usage profiles to favorites list

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.2.12.0



                Minor bugfixes

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.2.11.0



                Dialog size enhanced for small screens

                Improved performance of reading IES files


                Fixed importing Relux projects containing usage profiles

                Fixed EasyLux when ceiling has no surface material assigned

                Fixed exporting windows larger than the bounding wall

                Fixed pick face in linked models

                Fixed find luminaire host for custom luminaires

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.2.6.0



                Calculation settings dialog

                Sensor workplane height can be changed in settings

                Join multiple floor elements on export/calculation


                Exclude invisible elements for export/calculation in linked models

                Export/calculate imported symbols

                Conflicts with other AddIns on startup if update available

                Representation of 2D and 3D sensnorm detection area

                Duplicated sensor calculation 3D

                Exporting windows and doors

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.2.4.0



                Draw independant measuring areas

                Calculate 3D detection for Sensnorm sensors

                Sensnorm sensor 3D resolution can be changed in settings


                Reselect rooms in roommanager after profile assignment

                Calculate rooms containing multiple floor elevations

                Collect room elements from linked models

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.2.1.0



                New arrangement types in EasyLux

                Show existing ceiling grid in EasyLux

                Rooms can be rotated in EasyLux

                Sensor 3D calculation in linked models

                Sensor 3D resolution can be changed in the AddIn setting

                Option to automatically set text size for table result view


                Calculation and export of spaces sometimes did not work

                Set wall offset for calculations

                Missing step (750lx) added to EN12464-1 2021

                Missing calculation points on surrounding area

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.2.0.0



                Implemented EN 12464-1:2021

                Implemented US best practice

                Switch to display imperial units

                Support for Revit 2023


                Enhanced room/space tag

                Selection of a room for calculation in 3D views no longer required

                Improved the performance of collecting luminaires in room manager

                Calculation doesn't overwrite the user export path


                Export complex rooms

                Change workplane plane height on usage profile assignment

                Locked project on canceled calculation

                Using ceiling/pendant luminaires in EasyLux

                Export exterior scenes containing custom luminaires

                Export project doesn't depend on existing 3D view visibility settings anymore

                Some luminaires lost ldc on export

                Exporting curvebased luminaires

                Option "Remove all existing luminaires" on import exterior scenes

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.1.12.0



                Permormance improvements

                Taskareas containing a surrounding area

                High resolution false color diagram

                Support for custom luminaires containing joints or multiple lightsources

                Option to only export visible elements in exterior scenes

                Option to only export secion box in exterior scenes


                New sctructure of measuring surface s(no mesh edges anymore)

                By default the exterior scene will be exported completely, option added to do a simple export

                Include furniture in calculation is optional


                Floors of linked models no recognised by the easylux tool

                Exporting exterior scenes containing only linked projects

                Export unhosted custom families

                Export custom luminaires where the lightsource is not in the center

                Create measuring areas on rotated faces

                Fixed custom measuring areas change to room areas after EasyLux calculation

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.1.5.0



                Calculate custom luminaires containing inner rotations driven by instance parameters


                Exporting exterior scenens containing invalid elements

                Create custom calculation areas in old projects

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.1.4.0



                Calculate/export exterior scenes

                Calculate exterior scene in roommanager

                Calculate custom luminaires containing multiple lightsources and suspension height driven by instance parameters


                Falsecolor and table results controlled by togglebuttons

                Result schedule headers made more readeable

                Overview renamed to Nominal Values

                Detailed results in roommanager hidden by default


                Change workplane height and distance to wall for spaces

                Eavluate if UGR target reached

                Invalidate old results on new calculation

                Focus on selected object in roommanger

                Converting lux values correctly in EasyLux dialog

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2022.1.0.0



                Export/calculate free ceiling forms (requires at least ReluxDesktop version 2021.1.3.0)

                Create custom measuring surface

                Visualize radiosity results in 3D views

                Create measureing surface schedule

                IES, LDT and ROLFz import by Drag&Drop


                Export material color by default (instead of standard reflectance degree)


                Assigning custom luminaires in Roommanager

                Handling nominal values containing comma as decimal separator

                Exporting IFC models

                Exporting level based families

                Handling unenclosed rooms.

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2021.1.0.0



                Radiosity Calculations inside Revit

                Illumince visualization as false color diagram

                Illuminace visualization as table values

                Integrated EasyLux with radiosity results

                Uniformity, horizontal and cylindrical illuminace and wall/ceiling results added

                Radiosity results added to room manager

                Nominal illuminace overview

                Sheet template containing overview, room result list and luminaire list

                Revit 2022

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2020.2.2.0



                Performance and stability improved on import

                Handling of combination sensors

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2020.2.0.0



                RFAs from ReluxNet contain 2 LODs now (can be activated in the settings)

                Parameters of custom families can be mapped individually

                Interior walls can be exported in exterior scenes now

                Option to load all or only the selected variant from ReluxNet

                News page on welcome dialog


                Exporting rooms with multiple floor layers

                Detection of ceilings in ZoncalCavity tool

                Importing usage profiles sometimes not working

                Minor fixes

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2020.1.6.0



                LDCs of Custom RFAs are not displayed automatically in the luminaire browser by default (Can be changed in the AddIn settings)


                Many improvements regarding the performance of the AddIn while opening projects, changing views or open AddIn dialogs

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2020.1.5.0



                Support for Revit 2021

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2020.1.4.0



                LDCs in nested families can be used for ZonaCavity calculation as well as for export and import to ReluxDesktop

                Added mire parameters to Building360 profile


                Showing system power in configurator for absolute photometry

                Useless Revit warnings on export will be ignored

                Unenclosed and unplaced rooms/spaces removed from export dialog and room manager


                Performance improvement for exporting projects with many rooms

                Importing luminaires to reference planes or levels

                Importing wall mounted luminaires

                License handling after Revit crash improved (no restart required)

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2020.1.2.0



                Handling custom LDCs improved

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2020.1.0.0



                Link custom luminaires to real products from ReluxNet

                ZonalCavity enabled for linked custom Luminaires

                ZonalCavity enabled for custom Luminaires with an ldc (not for nested families)

                Export/Import linked custom luminaires to/from ReluxDesktop

                Integrated Product Template Catalogue Building360 .

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2019.1.8.0



                Calculation of UGR values

                Offset to walls can be set in the ZonalCavity dialog

                Rooms without luminaires can be skipped in the RoomManager

                Calculating model extends on export improved

                Large object can be excluded from export


                Room height of exported rooms without a ceiling

                Exporting linked models to the correct location

                Assigning usage profiles lead to a crash sometimes

                Handling imported IES files in ZonalCavity

                Importing custom luminaires

                Minor bugfixes

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2019.1.6.0



                Handling redundant rooms

                ZonalCavity sometimes not placing luminaires

                Exporting custom families containg an ies file

                Minor bugfixes

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2019.1.5.0



                Handling of external shared parameter file

                Exporting previously imported luminaires to a new project

                Exporting/Importing luminaires to/from exterior scene (z coords)

                Minor bugfixes

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2019.1.3.0



                ZonalCavity works again with round luminaires

                Hosting product to elements in linked models

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2019.1.0.0



                Works in Revit 2020

                Sensor Planning Tool 2D/3D

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.13.0



                Opening projects containing rlx_room_tag but not initialized correctly

                Export option "update luminaires"

                Fixed import/export with unenclosed or not placed rooms/spaces when reflectancy is obtained by material


                By default all articles will be exported to ReluxDesktop


                Exporting furniture of class GenericModel to Relux

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.12.0



                Crash on exporting curve based lighting fixtures


                Exporting furniture of class GenericModel to Relux

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.11.0



                Enhanced exporting models containing liniked ifc files

                Exporting models while AddIn language was french lead to a crash

                Importing luminairies placed on the ceiling into a linked model lead to an error

                Solved "article not available as RFA" error in ReluxNet browser

                Articles imported from ReluxDesktop will be displayed in the schedule now


                By default all articles will be exported to ReluxDesktop


                Added filled regions to luminaire symbols

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.10.0



                Crash when a project contains linked models which are not loaded

                Crash on exporting some complex rooms

                ZonalCavity not working for certain rooms

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.8.0



                Translations in export dialog


                Option to export all loaded articles or only used ones

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.7.0



                Crash when no room is selected to export

                Only load shared parameter file temporarily and when needed


                Exporting linked models completely (interior and exterior, IFC or RVT link)

                Certain disciplines can be expluded from the exterior export

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.3.0



                Crash if relux project contains duplicated scenes

                Phase handling on export

                Exporting adaptive components

                Relux project has been exported "read only" sometimes


                Phase filter in RoomManager and Export dialog

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.1.0



                Importing and exporting combinationsensors

                Display all sensor detectionranges in the configurator view

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2018.2.0.0



                Interface to ReluxDesktop.

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.1.7.0


                The light distribution of road luminaires sometimes did not have the correct orientation.

                In rare cases a required component could not be loaded, so the ReluxNet window did not open.

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.1.5.0


                AddIn can be enabled/disabled (in order to install the 2018 beta version in parallel)

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.1.2.0


                Several installation problems solved

                Several license activation problems solved

                Pole luminaire orientation fixed

                Luminaire browser won't show up if unknown lightingfixture family is loaded into project

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.1.0.0

                FIRST OFFICIAL RELEASE: 10.10.2017

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.0.41.0


                Translation in Spanish and Italian added

                Show legend id in configurator

                Ask user to apply changes in Zonal Cavity dialog on cancel or changing room


                Configurator sometimes didn't show available lightsources

                Update configurator combobox on "apply"

                Zonal cavity calculation sometimes not using correct system light flux

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.0.40.0


                Reflectance parameters for architectural rooms

                Default values for reflectance, can be changed in settings

                Reflectance can be set in room manager and zonal cavity dialog


                Revit 2017 and 2018 crashed on opening configurator while instance placement tool was active

                Restoring ReluxNet browser when window was minimized

                Display load values more accurate in configurator dialog

                Crashes if user profile name contains a dot fixed

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.0.39.0


                Installer failed on updating older versions

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.0.38.0


                MEP-Rooms/Spaces are now available in the Roomamanager and ZonalCavity

                Legend ID label can be turned on/off in the AddIn settings

                Show room info and reflectivity in ZonalCavity dialog


                Dealing with referenced architecture model improved

                Elevation parameter on placed instances works correctly now

                Visibility of reference planes added by ZonalCavity fixed

                ZonalCavity doesn't crash on switching between projects anymore

                AddIn won't crash anymore if Revit languages is different than English or German

                Fixed working with linked IFC models

                Fixed claculation of Eav on not rectangular rooms

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.0.37.0


                Fixed importing licenses automatically after installation

                ZonalCavity calculation works now independant from project unit settings

                Fixed ZoncalCavity calculation when system decimal separator is a comma

                Fixed crash when holding mouse down on upgrade dialog

                Fixed restore wrong window instead of roommanager

                ReluxCAD for Revit 2017.0.35.0

                Start beta test 25.07.2017