
Data managers can swiftly convert ROLF-II or GLDF files into a standardised RELUX luminaire and sensor database and get it online. Our user-friendly tools don't require extensive technical knowledge. Streamline your data management with ReluxPIM and enjoy the benefits of automated processes.

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Create your RELUX database automatically!

As a manufacturer, you generate ROLF-II or GLDF files from your PIM system, which are necessary for creating the RELUX database. We will provide the description of the ROLF-II format, or if you work with an Xmedia PIM system, you can automatically generate these formats.

Discover the Components of ReluxPIM

ROLF-II converter

The RELUX ROLF-II converter will convert a collection of ROLF-II files into a standard RELUX database.

CheckDB will run a configurable series of checks on the RELUX database to identify any issues that may have occurred while entering data into the originating PIM system. After the check, there is an option to locally test the generated RELUX database without directly uploading it to RELUX.

The Duo Comfort Command Line tool will automatically upload and publish the database to RELUX. 

RELUX recommends myview

Thorsten Frank
myview systems GmbH

+49 2955 7699410

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Fabio Tamborrini
Chief Sales Officer 

+41 78 711 42 47



  DACH area

Thomas Rüegg
Key Account Manager 

+41 78 684 87 33


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Request a free presentation now and discover how this service can enhance the process of generating a RELUX database. 

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