Seal of quality for more planning security

sensNORM supports the planner, installer and building owner
In the spring and summer of 2020, the world's first manufacturer-independent laboratory for the standardized measurement of PIR detectors was built at the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS). The inauguration of the sensLAB by sensNORM and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) took place on Nov 2, 2020. Henceforth, sensNORM will collaborate with SLG in various events and publications to highlight the importance and benefits of sensor technology in modern lighting installations, as well as share know-how on proper planning, installation and commissioning.
sensLAB – Putting motion and presence sensors to the test
The Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS) serves as the federal centre of competence for all issues related to measurement and for measuring equipment and measuring procedures.
It is the Swiss national metrology institute. As such, its mandate is to ensure the availability in Switzerland of measurement and testing facilities with the degree of accuracy needed to meet the requirements of the economy, research and administration.
The sensor measurement is performed according to IEC 63180 and sensNORM. Measurement according to sensNORM is more demanding, as it is more difficult to achieve. Whether the industry will measure according to IEC or sensNORM remains to be seen. RELUX is the only software worldwide that offers the possibility to calculate sensors.

SensCalc – Online Sensor planning tool
Online planning tool for PIR sensor planning with energy and payback calculation. PIR sensors that have been measured in accordance with IEC 63180 or sensNORM 2022 can be placed in defined rooms. This gives you the necessary planning security quickly and easily.
The application is free of charge.