Manufacturer Services –

Our offer

Unlock an array of diverse services exlusively designed for manufacturers. From personalized consultancy to streamlined lighting planning solutions, we are dedicated to enhancing your experience and maximizing operational efficiency every step of the way.

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GLDF – Global Lighting Data Format

GLDF is an open, free format that can be used across the entire lighting industry and meets the latest BIM process requirements. Manufacturers, planners and even software manufacturers can benefit from this new format.



This web and desktop application reads measurement data from luminaires (LDT) and sensors (sensNORM-IEC63180) which generates various graphs and tables containing extensive information.



As a manufacturer, you generate ROLF-II or GLDF files from your PIM system, which are necessary for creating the RELUX database. We will provide the description of the ROLF-II format, or if you work with an Xmedia PIM system, you can automatically generate these formats.


3D Product Modelling

RELUX boasts an extensive track record in crafting meticulously detailed 3D models of luminaires and sensors, offering unparalleled expertise in delivering these specialized services to esteemed manufacturers and leading engineering firms.


Software Development

Integrating RELUX software with your systems opens up opportunities to explore new business fields or simply enhance efficiency within your organisation! Through customised engagements, numerous possibilities arise.


Let's have a chat



Fabio Tamborrini
Chief Sales Officer 

+41 78 711 42 47



  DACH area

Thomas Rüegg
Key Account Manager 

+41 78 684 87 33


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