
The SceneCalc web service provides physically based light calculations for all scenes described in the ReCad XML format. This photometric light calculation is also performed by ReluxDesktop, ensuring identical results.

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API access to RELUX's Lighting calculation core

ReluxSceneCalc offers on-demand lighting calculations, utilising RELUX’s radiosity core for accurate results. This service provides fast and precise lighting calculation results and is designed for seamless integration into company environments or websites.

What does ReluxSceneCalc offer?

Visualisation and output

The calculated rooms can be easily visualised. Your project will find favour with your customer and with the calculation output as a PDF you can prove compliance with the values and standards.

Enjoy the video:


Example of ReluxSceneCalc in Excel


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Fabio Tamborrini
Chief Sales Officer 

+41 78 711 42 47



  DACH area

Thomas Rüegg
Key Account Manager 

+41 78 684 87 33


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