ReluxObtrusiveLight –
Measuring volumes / clouds

Knowledge DB > ReluxObtrusiveLight > Measuring volumes / clouds

Visualize areas with critical K-values.

                    To evaluate the glare situation caused by obtrusive light for exterior lighting installations, standards like LAI 2012 and  ÖNORM O 1052:202   are recommending to use the K-value.

                    With the ReluxObtrusiveLight application you can visualize different ranges of K-values by placing 3D-measuring volumes. The shape of theses volumes can be set as rectangular, circular and polygonal.

                    After determining and modifying the right properties of the measuring volumes, you have then to perform  the K-value calculation by pressing the command "Calculate" under "Obstrusive light".

                         The result is a 3D representation consisting of 3 different colored K-areas. By Switching off the blue (Level 1) and green (Level 2) cloud areas only the yellow cloud area (Level 3) remains visible.

                         By clicking on the measuring volume body in the project tree, you can read the interpretation of the cloud areas in the properties:

                    - The yellow visible area is the most critical one with K values greater than or equal to 96.
                         - By pressing the  level 2  in the menu ribbon, the green K value range becomes visible as a cloud. The values range between 64 and 96.
                         - By pressing the third level, the blue K value range becomes visible as a cloud. The values range between 32 and 64.

                    Display of  3D-measuring volumes

                    Visualisation with cloud areas

                    Overview of ReluxObtrusiveLight


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