ReluxCAD for AutoCAD | Planning in ReluxCAD  

Synchronizing changes in Relux

Learn how Relux and AutoCAD synchronization works.

You can also make your AutoCAD or Relux files available to other planners for them to work on.

ReluxCAD supports up to the latest AutoCAD versions.


 ReluxDesktop integrates room geometries and luminaire positioning compiled with ReluxCAD in AutoCAD.

 Conversely, all the changes made in Relux will automatically be aligned with the corresponding AutoCAD project. 

When one of the two software is shut down, the project in the other one will automatically be updated to the latest status.


As soon as you load files worked on by external partners (i.e. engineers, architects) in your system again and
further process them with ReluxCAD, the data in AutoCAD and Relux will be synchronized once more.

When conducting a lighting-engineering check on a project, it is thus possible to make corrections without having to switch to AutoCAD
or without AutoCAD needing to be opened.

Video Resources  

Realtime Rendering - Screen Capture


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