ReluxObtrusiveLight – Glare evaluation: K-tables

                                          To evaluate the glare situation caused by obtrusive light for exterior lighting installations, standards like LAI 2012 and  ÖNORM O 1052:202  are recommending to use the K-value .

                                          In particular, by placing a defined and  rectangular measuring surface under "Insert measuring object", it is possible to apply a K-table. This K-table contains a defined amount of K-values.

                                          Before defining the K-table, the measurement surface must be aligned with an environmental zone and a reflactance degree Rho for the reference calculation.

                                          Further settings regarding the Ks-table can be adjusted, especially the following parameters:

                                          - Lu (cd/m2): ambient Luminance of Scenery
                                          - Proportionality factor K
                                          - Handling of small spacial angles: limit omega-s to 1.0e-6

                                          Another possibility to make setting adjustments is to press the button "Settings" under "Obtrusive light" from the menu bar.

                                          Under Settings  > Options >  Tools, the right setting configuration for the obtrusive light situation can be done.

                                          By starting the "Calculate" button under the menu tab obtrusive light, the K-table results will be generated.

                                          In the output results, the printed K-table results are shown.

                                          K-table results are shown and distributed on the calculation grid of the chosen measuring surface.

                                          Overview of ReluxObtrusiveLight


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