ReluxObtrusiveLight – New Add-on for ReluxDesktop 2024.2

Light emission, also known as light pollution, is becoming an concerning issue in our modern world. The excessive and disorganized illumination of streets, buildings, and public spaces has a significant impact on our health and environment. Animals are also affected, with their sleep and biological rhythms getting neglected.
New name and new powerful features
- UFR calculation with visual as a light dome
- Calculate measuring areas
- Calculating luminous intensity
- k-Values according standard LAI 2017 and the ÖNORM
- Calculate Upward Light Ratio (ULR)
- Display k-value ranges as colored clouds
Tip: Special offer – Learn the software quickly and easily. When you buy a ReluxObtrusive license, we'll give you the online SelfStudy course for free. -> Get the Code.
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The new evaluation tools at a glance

The UFR value represents a holistic approach to assess light pollution. This value considers the ULR value and the additional reflective luminous flux on the adjacent surfaces or buildings. In addition to the calculation output, the UFR value is also displayed as a visual light dome and the coloured scaling makes it easier to quantify the achieved value.

More information on the new features
ReluxObtrusiveLight SelfStudy for free
Get started with the software easily.
When you purchase a ReluxObtrusiveLight licence,
you will receive an online Self-Study free of charge.
CODE: ObtrusiveLight2024
free of charge instead of CHF 50.–
(Offer only in combination with the purchase of a ReluxObtrusiveLight licence)
How does the calculation of light emission work?
Watch the German video
Download ReluxDesktop
Update to the latest version of ReluxDesktop and try out the latest features, such as those of ReluxObtrusiveLight.Download

A simple explanation of light emission

Interesting articles about light pollution
Articles only available in German
Broschüre "Unerwünschte Lichtemissionen" von
[Download Broschüre "Unerwünschte Lichtemissionen" als PDF]
zum Ratgeber auf der Website
Berechnungen zur Blendung (k-Werte) bei
Beleuchtungen von Fussball- und Tennisplätzen
[Dokument der LICHTPLAN GMBH im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Umwelt PDF]
Masterarbeit Umwelttechnik und -management –
Lichtemissionen von SBB Bahnhöfen: Bedeutung, Handlungsfelder, Lösungsansätze,
Studie MAS Thesis 2021/22, Andreas Heller, FHNW
Lichtimmissionen von SBB Bahnhöfen [Link zum PDF]
Wir veröffentlichen diese Arbeit mit Einverständnis des Autoren und als unabhängige Äusserung des Autoren.
Dark-Sky Switzerland