ReluxDesktop | Street

Create a road project

Learn how to create a road and to assign its needed properties for lighting design.

In this properties window you can define: 

  • Road layout (Project name, Surface, Road layout) 
  • Row of luminaires (Luminaire type, Maintenance factor, Type, Overhang, Photometric center height, Distance between luminaires, Tilt, Orientation and Head Style) 
  • Roadway (Lighting classes, Width, Central reservation, Covering, material, Lanes). 

You can change all parameters as desired. Please click now to: Lighting classes. The following window will open.

The figure above shows all Lighting classes that you can select as of  EN 13201:2015 . In this case you can select  M4  as a typical class. Click  OK .

If you open the results overview on the right side, you will see the calculated results of your project according to the EN 13201:2015. 

Green Fill
the required value was achieved for this scene. 

Red Fill
the value according the EN 13201:2015 was not achieved for this scene. 

You can optimise you project in the following two ways to achieve the norm:


The first option is to open the  Road manager to change parameters like luminaire type, the overhang, the distance between luminaires, the photometric center height manually. 

The results are changed immediately. In this  Road manager  you can compare as well two or more concepts for your road in a very convenient way.

The second option is to optimise your project automatically with the options shown in the figure above 

(Overhang, Photometric centre height, Distance between luminaires, Tilt, Type). 

The results are shown in the Results tab immediately. As well you can open the result overview on the lower right side (small icon). 

After the calculation you are able to examine different pages with results.

On this page with result overview it is easy to see how the result stands againts the values in the norm.

If you are satisfied with your lighting solution you can open the Print manager. Here it is possible to preview your printout. 

You can also select which output pages should be printed. It is possible to print it directly but also to create a pdf file.

Video Resources  

Realtime Rendering - Screen Capture


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