ReluxDesktop | Sensors

Sensor placing/planning

Learn how to place sensors and plan their usage.

Step 1: Start a Project

Open ReluxDesktop to start a project, the Sensors toolbar will appear on the screen. 

You have to select one product in  Add

Main Menu

You need first of all add a sensor from the product selection. To do this, click on Sensors and it will display a menu. Select  Add…

Product Selection Sensors

This will display the demo product selector window (Relux Demo)

Product selection online sens1

The product will be displayed in the menu  Sensors > Sensor.

Menu Sensors display

Place the sensor in the scene and after placed it select  Display > Radial . See the radial characteristics moving the scene with the mouse.   

Selecting  Display > T angential  at the same time with Display > Radial it will show the tangential range overlaps with radial.

Follow making raster or projection of the sensor to see comparative results.

In the scene below we have rotated the sensor to Z 0  and moved the person to the ground floor having different values of radial, tangential & raster view.

Selected radial, tangential and raster view.

By selecting Display > Projection  you’ll see the achieved range of the sensor.

Projection range

In the Project  menu Bar, you will see  the sensor listed.

With a right click of the mouse over the Sensor you can duplicate it, center it, and access to the Properties Menu bar to define the position and rotation of the sensor manually.

Right click on the mouse and access more functionalities for sensors.

Video Resources  

Realtime Rendering - Screen Capture


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