ReluxDesktop | Ray tracing

How to use the Ray tracing calculation

A Ray tracer is a complex tool with many adjustable parameters which need to be set by the user.

 To use the Ray tracing calculation, just open the calculation manager of ReluxDesktop.

Relux Ray tracer offers two modes for doing calculations: 

Standard mode

Standard mode  the most important parameters are set automatically depending on the chosen  quality  setting, only the number of diffuse inter-reflexions can be specified separately. For normal scenes, these automatic settings deliver very good results already, with acceptable calculation times.

Expert mode

For specific demands, Relux Raytracer additionally offers an  expert mode , which makes it possible to control the execution of the program separately for the different individual tasks of a lighting simulation, like the direct or indirect part of the illumination calculation, or special adjustments for daylight scenes, etc.

Note: Both modes are independent.

This then offers the option of setting low quality values in the standard mode for quick preview renderings in the chosen image format and, at the same time, setting high quality values in the expert mode dialog. Afterwards, one can easily switch between the two approaches by simply activating / deactivating the expert mode.

ReluxDesktop Ray tracing calculation

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Realtime Rendering - Screen Capture


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