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Kurt Bieri

The ReluxTunnel calculation program has been developed for tunnel lighting experts. 

The program is based on the following standards:

  • CIE 88:2004 "Guide for the lighting of road tunnels and underpasses", 
  • CIE 140:2000 "Road lighting calculations"
  • SLG 201:2005 "Richtlinien Öffentliche Beleuchtung – Strassentunnels, -galerien und –unterführungen" 
  • DIN 67524-1:2008 "Lighting of street tunnels and underpasses Part 1: General quality characteristics and guide values"

Knowledge of these standards is essential in order to be able to assess the calculation results and plan the tunnel lighting on a practically-oriented basis.

You will need to purchase the corresponding licence before you can use the tunnel module.

The licence for ReluxTunnel is available to purchase on our webshop:

Then follow the steps to activate your ReluxTunnel licence according to the licence manual.